Home » Accessories » Eastern Dragon Whiskers for VRchat avatars

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Content type:Accessories
Сreated by: kyderra
Views: 3 609
Eastern Dragon Whiskers for VRchat avatars

To download the model, you need to log in.


To use the whiskers, drag you preferred prefab from the folder to your hierarchy.
From there you can drag it onto your avatars head. (Armature > Hips > Spine > Neck > Head.)

There are 3 versions with 3 sub versions.
V1: Short
V2: Middle
V3: Long

Base: Does not contain the fluff at the end of the whisker
Fluff: Contains fluff at the end of the whisker
TwoMat: Model has two materials for easy color change of the fluff at the end of the whisker

=====What's good to know======
- It is advised to use the Vrchat creator companion. https://vrchat.com/home/download
- Need help? Visit my discord's help channel, http://discord.gg/NjBE8h4 , I'll be actively supporting everyone there.
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