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☭Soviet Accessories☭

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  • foto
    Amelia #7
    0 days without the torn asses of western whiners, how good
    Sunday at 03:17
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    Seishin Kitsune #6
    ADemon, Yes i know, Still nothing I would be proud of, let alone wear. But each as he pleases.
    Saturday at 16:08
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    ADemon #5
    Seishin Kitsune, the owner of the site is russian, so yea id assume this would be allowed.
    Saturday at 12:34
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    Twistedland22 #4
    This is uh... interesting?? I know some edgy kids that think they're the shit will wear this. Don't understand whats so cool about it, but whatever floats your boat.
    Friday at 08:21
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    Seishin Kitsune #3
    "1936-1938" 600,000 to 1.2 million of deads
    also known for Forced relocations and deportations, Famines and a Gulag system.
    next time why not Swastika for even more turbo cringe.
    I have no idea how someone can celebrate something like that.
    Thursday at 15:10
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    AvatarMaker69 #2
    Perfect for edgy 13 year olds!
    26 June 2024 15:41
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    gummypup #1
    24 June 2024 21:00