Home » Avatars » Helios

Model info

Content type:Avatars
Сreated by: Axe
SDK: 3.0 (VRChat)
Platform: PC
Рhysbones: No
Full body: Yes
Nsfw: Yes

The link to the model was removed from the site at the request of the copyright holder


How to use this package and upload to VRChat.

1. Open Unity 2019.4.29f1
2. Import VRChat Avatar SDK (3.0).
3. Import a Shader you want to use, latest Poiyomi Pro is recommended.
4. Import Dynamic Bones.
5. Import Dynamic Pen System
6. Import The Avatar Package.

Avatar Special Features
- Hair Hue shift
- Hair Bloom Radial
- Harness Mesh transparency
- Clothing: Jacket (sleeves can toggle off separately) Corset Harness Pants Boots
- Strap(belt only + dildo)
- DPS Orifaces (Mouth, boobs, L/R hand, vag, foot [Blendshape deforms on mouth and vag Ori])
- Sleightly ball
- Coffin
- Spawn coffin (falls from the sky)
- Burry coffin (buries into the ground)
- Rotate coffin (standing up to laying down)
- Drop coffin into world space (toggle then piece sign on left hand)
- Door Controls (Open hand (closes door), Fist (opens door), Finger point (door slides open) [Must use left and right hand at the same time to control!])
- Door Lock (Locks the door position from the current hand position, un toggle then open hand to reset door)

No I don't have the male. If I did they would be uploaded together. Anyway here's another Dommy Mommy Halloween Avatar.


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  • foto
    Venom456 #4
    howd you get her to work?
    30 October 2021 03:32
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    palebitch (user blocked for violating site rules) #3
    link to creator?
    30 October 2021 01:47
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    Huksyonez #2
    Managed to get the avatar working and such, though there were a few missing textures. not sure if that's down to using the wrong shaders or if they simply arent there. overall great avatar!
    29 October 2021 17:29
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    Kiana #1
    Thank you Yaki <3
    29 October 2021 16:17