Home » Avatars » Cupid

Model info

Content type:Avatars
Сreated by: Onion
SDK: 2.0 (VRChat)
Platform: PC
Рhysbones: No
Full body: Yes
Views: 3 840

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1. Make sure you have Unity 2018.4.20 downloaded (link if you need to download it https://unity3d.com/get-unity/download/archive)

2. Unzip the file you just downloaded

3. Drag the SDK, and also put dynamic bones as well into the the new unity project that you just made before importing the model.

4. Then drag the file that has the name of the model you purchased on it, into the unity project.

5. If a button called "reload" is available then click it, and if nothing shows up please close and reopen the project.

6. Once you see the model in the project, next is to click on the name of the model on the top left under the "hierarchy".

7. Next find the tab "Pipline Manager" on the bottom rightand click on the name "blueprint ID".

8. Then if a button appears thats named "detach" then click on it.

9. If nothing happens then look for the sdk control panel on the top left called "Odds SDK".

10. Sign into your account then go back to the pipline manager and repeat steps 7 and 8.

11. Once its finally detached head back to the sdk control panel and find the "builder" tab and click "upload avatar" at the bottom of the tab.
Comments: 3
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  • foto
    ItsKuma #3
    Do you have the male version too?
    30 November 2021 10:16
  • foto
    KKistue #2
    Shaders dont work when i import poyomi 7 or anything below it
    23 November 2021 02:39
  • foto
    SteveHopps #1
    Thanks KaziMiyra <3
    22 November 2021 11:46