Samira & Ira
To download the model, you need to log in.
How to use this package and upload to VRChat.
1. Open Unity 2019.4.31f1
2. Import VRChat Avatar SDK (3.0).
3. Import a Shader you want to use, Poi is recommended
4. Import Dynamic Bones.
5. Import The Avatar Package.
Avatar Special Features
hift on Hair and Eyes/ Ear and tail radial puppet (You can move them!)
1. Open Unity 2019.4.31f1
2. Import VRChat Avatar SDK (3.0).
3. Import a Shader you want to use, Poi is recommended
4. Import Dynamic Bones.
5. Import The Avatar Package.
Avatar Special Features
hift on Hair and Eyes/ Ear and tail radial puppet (You can move them!)