Home » Avatars » Midas

Model info

Content type:Avatars
Сreated by: zeffyr
SDK: 3.0 (VRChat)
Platform: PC
Рhysbones: No
Full body: Yes
Nsfw: Yes
Views: 21 099

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How to use this package and upload to VRChat.

1. Open Unity 2019.4.31f1
2. Import VRChat Avatar SDK (3.0).
3. Import a Shader you want to use, Poiyomi Pro is recommended.
4. Has physic bones
5. Import Dynamic Penetration System
6. Import The Avatar Package.

Avatar Special Features
FBT ready, Physbones
DPS, Non-DPS, and SFW versions included
2 Skin variations (White skin and Black skin)
'Greed' mode (Dissolves the skin into a Dragon themed texture)
Dissolve toggles (Top, Pants, Boxers, Tail/Horns, Wings, Corset, Harness, Gloves, Shoes, Necklace, Blindfold, Chains)
Dragon cane (Can be held in 2 positions in either hand)
Dissolves in and out
Riding crop (Can be held in either hand)
Dissolves in and out
Toggleable wiggly tongue
Custom made coin spring joint
Tail and wing size sliders
Puppet control for wings
Hue shift slider
Shifts hair, eyes, clothes, accessories, dragon skin gold/scales, and dissolve colors
Gestures that don't overlap each other (Hai Combo Gesture)
Dislocomotion toggle
Locomotion Fix
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