To download the model, you need to log in.
How to use this package and upload to VRChat.
1. Open Unity 2019.4.31f1
2. Import VRChat Avatar SDK (3.0).
3. Import a Shader you want to use, Poiyomi Pro is recommended.
4. Import Dynamic Penetration System
5. Import The Avatar Package.
Avatar Special Features
✧Radial sliders for skin, hair(hue, glow hue, glitter hue, glow saturation, glitter saturation), eye(left & right) saturation and hue.
✧Toggles for bangs, back hair (short, long, ponytail), outfit, glasses, species, heels, sweater, futa, hair glitter, hair rgb, hair glow rgb, hair glitter rgb, eye(left & right) rgb.
✧DPS set up, VRLabs marker, and Locomotion.
✧Bounding box fix, so different meshes will not disappear for others when close to you.