Home » Avatars » Picklezu

Model info

Content type:Avatars
Сreated by: Cozu
SDK: 3.0 (VRChat)
Platform: PC
Рhysbones: Yes
Full body: Yes
Views: 9 145

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◊ I would suggest starting up a new project for each of the pickles, I know that’s kind of annoying but I tried to put them all in one project and it didn’t work out so well looooool.
◊ Open a new project using Unity 2019.4.31f1 you can get this here
◊ Import the Picklezu package by dragging and dropping it into the assets space.
◊ Press IGNORE when it asks if you want to reload the scene or ignore.
◊ Go to the !Pickle folder and find the little unity box, it will be named Pickle —-- (PC, Optimized, Quest, Fallback) Double click that and it’ll open up the correct scene.

❥ PC and Optimized Upload:
Go to the VRChat SDK at the top of the menu by file —> Show control panel —> Builder —> Fix any crucial errors with autofix (crucial meaning it won’t upload unless you fix it first) —> Build and publish for Windows.
❥ Quest Upload:

File —> Build settings —> Android —> Switch Platform (If you don’t have this option you have to install the android build in unity) —> Go to the VRChat SDK at the top of the menu by file —> Show control panel —> Builder —> Fix any crucial errors with autofix (crucial meaning it won’t upload unless you fix it first) —> Build and publish for Android.

◊ If you want PC and Quest to be under the same avatar ID, once you build one of them, go to the Content Manager in the VRChat SDK panel and search for the Picklezu you uploaded, it might take a few minutes to show up. Then copy that ID and go to the Picklezu you haven’t uploaded yet and click on it in the Hierarchy. Go to the Inspector and scroll down until you find the Pipeline Manager and paste the avatar ID and attach it. You can then upload for the other platform.

❥ Fallback Upload:


Go to the VRChat SDK at the top of the menu by file —> Show control panel —> Builder —> Fix any crucial errors with autofix (crucial meaning it won’t upload unless you fix it first) —> Build and publish for Windows.

After that…

File —> Build settings —> Android —> Switch Platform (If you don’t have this option you have to install the android build in unity) —> Go to the VRChat SDK at the top of the menu by file —> Show control panel —> Builder —> Fix any crucial errors with autofix (crucial meaning it won’t upload unless you fix it first) —> Build and publish for Android.

THEN when you’re changing the picture and putting an avatar name, make sure to click the little box that says “Use for Fallback” and then when you’re in game you’re able to select that as the fallback.

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  • foto
    Ella7674 #1
    ITS SOOO CUTE!!!!anime8
    27 August 2022 13:15