Home » Avatars » Marine Beans

Model info

Content type:Avatars
Сreated by: Cozu
SDK: 3.0 (VRChat)
Platform: PC + Quest
Рhysbones: Yes
Full body: Yes
Views: 41 850
Marine Beans

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Just sdk and any poiyomi

❥ Shark PC:

Fish follower with hue slider and bubble spawn – You’re able to pick it up, just make sure you’re doing finger guns or it won’t pick up. It’s also a bit finicky to try and grab it.
Fish with size and hue slider
Floor clam with bubble spawn for friends to sit in with size and hue slider
Axolotl and Shark tail hide
Holographic Gills
Gill Hue, Brightness, and Saturation slider
8 Body colors
Eye Hue, Brightness, Saturation Slider
Cute sleepy AFK spawning clam and bubbles
You can grab/pin/interact with the gills, tail, and onesie tails
Head pat, nose boop, tail interaction. All spawn cute particles and trigger facial expressions.
4 facial expressions: Angry, Sad, Smile, and Wink
Works with Fullbody, Halfbody, and Desktop!
❥ Whale Shark PC:

Fish follower with hue slider and bubble spawn – You’re able to pick it up, just make sure you’re doing finger guns or it won’t pick up. It’s also a bit finicky to try and grab it.
Fish with size and hue slider
Floor clam with bubble spawn for friends to sit in with size and hue slider
Axolotl and Whale Shark tail hide
Holographic Gills
Gill Hue, Brightness, and Saturation slider
8 Body colors
Eye Hue, Brightness, Saturation Slider
Cute sleepy AFK spawning clam and bubbles
You can grab/pin/interact with the gills, tail, and onesie tails
Head pat, nose boop, tail interaction. All spawn cute particles and trigger facial expressions.
4 facial expressions: Angry, Sad, Smile, and Wink
Works with Fullbody, Halfbody, and Desktop!
◊ There are no particles on Quest

❥ Shark Quest:

Fish follower – It can’t follow like the PC version does since Quest doesn’t have certain elements needed for it but it can stay next to you.
Fish plush and size slider
Axolotl and Shark tail hide
8 Body colors
Cute sleepy AFK
You can grab/pin/interact with the gills, tail, and onesie ears/tails
Head pat, nose boop, tail interaction. All trigger facial expressions.
4 facial expressions: Angry, Sad, Smile, and Wink
❥ Whale Shark Quest:

Fish follower – It can’t follow like the PC version does since Quest doesn’t have certain elements needed for it but it can stay next to you.
Fish plush and size slider
Axolotl and Shark tail hide
8 Body colors
Cute sleepy AFK
You can grab/pin/interact with the gills, tail, and onesie ears/tails
Head pat, nose boop, tail interaction. All trigger facial expressions.
4 facial expressions: Angry, Sad, Smile, and Wink
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Comments: 12
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  • foto
    Tiny Toast #12
    2 December 2023 23:53
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    Akiko0w0 #11
    where is the pc pack please?
    10 April 2023 12:47
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    sharkboy70343 #10
    PC version???
    9 April 2023 20:18
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    TwinMommy18 #9
    sugarsoftie, thank u
    9 April 2023 04:53
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    me vuelve a dar error de prefabricado como soluciono esto es lo unco que sale mal al subirlo o tratar de subirlo m sale prefabricado cada vez k lo intento subir y asi infinitamente alguien ayuda error el creador opciones para subirlo gracias
    9 April 2023 03:15
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    sugarsoftie #7

    Hi! There’s a few solutions to fixing your prefab error:

    -Close and re-open project

    -re-import everything

    -Delete Thry Editor

    - Delete VRLabs Folder (and optionally add back in an updated one)

    -Delete and re-import poi shaders and SDK

    -Make sure your avi package doesnt include an SDK or has one in the zip file (if it does, use that SDK instead)

    Hope any of these help, if not open up your console and find the red pentagon shaped error that specifies your error (aside from missing prefab). THESE ARE ALL DIFF SOLUTIONS BTW— NOT STEPS.
    8 April 2023 02:30
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    TwinMommy18 #6
    was anyone able to upload this? i keep getting prefab error
    8 April 2023 00:18
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    sugarsoftie #5

    There’s actually a lot of cozu avis! Just look up “Cozu” in the search bar
    7 April 2023 19:35
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    twinkle #4
    wheres the pc version
    7 April 2023 18:59
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    WillowStar #3
    Can you also include the PC version? File says this is only the quest one
    7 April 2023 18:06
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    alka.vr #2
    wheres the pc package?
    7 April 2023 17:38
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    l3monSh4rk #1
    please more of cozu if you can anime71
    7 April 2023 14:39