Home » Avatars » Zairiza Shark

Model info

Content type:Avatars
Сreated by: Zairiza
SDK: 3.0 (VRChat)
Platform: PC
Рhysbones: Yes
Full body: Yes
Views: 20 611
Zairiza Shark

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VRchat Model Files Include:

Unity packages: One for all the versions and one for just the sfw version
Blender files for each version
FBX files for each version
PSDs for all 3 models including Glow maps
OBJs for each model for easy custom texturing from scratch
3D Coat Texturing Files
Substance Painter Texturing Files
How to upload guide

What you need for it to work:

- Unity 2019.4.31f1
- Creator Companion on VRchat's website
- Poiyomi Shader (Version used included in Download Folder)

Project info:

All models are under 70k. Rating is Medium for the SFW and V versions, Poor for both D versions
Model has all custom visemes and eye tracking. Made for FBT
5 expressions are on hand gestures
Physbones are set up in the tail, ears, tongues, hair, long head fin, boobs, dicks, and balls

In game menus included:

8 toggle-able expressions
Emission brightness / Emission Hue sliders
3 Hair options
Maw options for both tongues
Tail position
Tail fin shapes
Head fin and snout shapes
Body toggles: Flat chest/boobs/pecs, ears, claws
Teeth options: Face teeth, one set, two sets, or all of them
Jewelry options
NSFW toggles for bits and nips
3 Different dick styles
(I have set up all NSFW versions to upload without front bits showing by default. This does not include the butt hole. Everything can be toggled on in game)

Tongues are set up to toggle separately. If both tongue toggles are on the opposite will shoot through your face a bit!
Screenshots of model Zairiza Shark in the game
Comments: 5
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  • foto
    Halomastersword #5
    any chance of a NSFW version update if that exists?
    21 February 2024 01:37
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    VoidDonutIceCream #4
    boo theres no penises! i want dick bro!
    1 November 2023 17:48
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    Flopped Fierce zpirit #3
    Yall theres two diff versions of the avi, a nsfw one and a sfw one. If you look at the model info u can see that the nsfw says 'no' next to it meaning there's no nsfw avi in the package lmao
    7 June 2023 10:46
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    Sotilam #2
    6 June 2023 17:17
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    Axel #1
    wheres the nsfw version bruh
    5 June 2023 11:16