To download the model, you need to log in.
Necessary assets that are NOT INCLUDED in this package:
PoiyomiProShader V6.0.79
Dynamic Bones V1.2.2
VRCSDK 3.0 (2020.
Tutorial how import and Setup your project on Unity:
1- Create a new project on Unity.
2- Import PoiyomiProShader V6.0.79 FIRST!
3- Import Dynamic Bone.
4- Import VRC SDK 3.0.
5- Import Thyst Package.
(If gets error on the Builder, just click to Autofix).
Done! enjoy your new avatar! >w<
PoiyomiProShader V6.0.79
Dynamic Bones V1.2.2
VRCSDK 3.0 (2020.
Tutorial how import and Setup your project on Unity:
1- Create a new project on Unity.
2- Import PoiyomiProShader V6.0.79 FIRST!
3- Import Dynamic Bone.
4- Import VRC SDK 3.0.
5- Import Thyst Package.
(If gets error on the Builder, just click to Autofix).
Done! enjoy your new avatar! >w<