Home » Avatars » Nardo edit

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Content type:Avatars
Сreated by: TwisteeMistee
SDK: 3.0 (VRChat)
Platform: PC
Рhysbones: Yes
Views: 67 255
Nardo edit

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u cant buy it or find it anymore its a rare avatar its just a basic fbx fully rigged and working of the nardo edit
Screenshots of model Nardo edit in the game
Comments: 70
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    1lemon1 #70
    у кого есть одёшки текустура глаз можете скинуть если не жалко пожалуйста буду благодарен
    20 November 2024 02:25
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    Scarecrownight #69
    could someone resend the file for this one the link down below has no page
    6 November 2024 17:25
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    DJS_W0RLD #68
    @508 how do I get rid of the qr code in the project?
    18 August 2024 22:06
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    MaskedManor #67
    how do you get the clothes for this
    17 June 2024 03:06
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    Nahtender #66
    508, where is da link
    6 June 2024 15:43
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    Belen Jimenez #65
    la textura?
    20 April 2024 05:37
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    Mama_Silvia #64
    anyone got the substance painter file???
    23 February 2024 13:17
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    dgitalloser #63
    Sinpurr, are you able to upload it fixed?
    19 February 2024 05:02
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    Cielo #62
    508, Hey so i downloaded the link and put it into a unity project but the eyes are all blacked out for me and would you know how i can fix it? Tysm for your time and if not thats ok too
    9 February 2024 20:32
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    BettaTheFishOutlaw #61
    so what clothes does it use? i wanna add some eventually, and was wondering what the clothing items are?
    26 January 2024 22:04
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    ThatGuyPal #60
    not rare anymore lol, now a endless amount of people can downloadit
    13 January 2024 17:07
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    Dust the Crystal #59
    Puppiccino, wow that's very interesting info
    7 November 2023 18:24
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    sugarshh #58
    If anyone needs help getting this into substance painter, just open substance painter and drag the 3d model from the unity project into the substance painter project. You'll be working on a plain grey base, but it has some of the limbs separated so it's easier to actually make your own texture.
    1 November 2023 20:07
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    Puppiccino #57
    screwy, I bought the Thiyeenid and was in the server when this all went down, Alber left out a lot of important details tbh. Thine had bought all of the assets, but had bought the wrong licenses because he didn't know any better at the time. As soon as he realized he updated the package after buying a couple of assets with the commercial license and removed the ones that didn't have a commercial option entirely. He as slowly working down the line to buy all the assets commercially, but Alber was being a fucking dick abut it despite Thine trying to correct his mistake so he ended up just deleting the file in its entirety because he was tired of being harassed over it cause Alber was purposefully hiding those details. Why he got bent out of shape about it I will never understand tbh because Thine wouldn't even sell me it until I provided proof that I bought the Hyenid base.
    1 November 2023 17:57
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    RexXx #56
    this is only the base model, not the textures or a way to texture it, its not worth a download honestly
    30 October 2023 01:45
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    Xenum #55
    Wyatt Goldman (Moom), same with me lol
    25 October 2023 19:06
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    Wyatt Goldman (Moom) #54
    hey the textures and all the clothes are gone how do i fixed that
    24 October 2023 11:27
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    Xenum #53
    I can't find the substance paint files, are they in the package?
    21 October 2023 08:03
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    Butterbeer2 #52
    508, Your Link Is Down Again :(
    19 October 2023 12:37
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    DoeBoy14 #51
    Anyone got a completed set for this, bc the package isnt set up at all when i upload it
    8 October 2023 07:31
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    Matt Hazards #50
    Does anyone know how to get the Glasses prefab ?
    7 October 2023 22:38
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    stevesalazar3 #49
    anyone have this avatar?
    5 October 2023 01:51
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    Blacksparrow900 #48
    can have a substance painter to it please
    27 September 2023 20:05
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    508 #47
    Quote: 508
    VRCFury Required

    Quote: 508
    Well, Here you all guy since the guy who uploaded this doesn't actually have skill,

    This took me a while to reverse do not leech off me thanks :3

    Link: Click Me for the Avatar
    This needs Poiyomi 7.3 or higher

    VRCFury Required
    GoGo Loco already in project along with all the other shaders + a bonus

    I also tweaked it a bit more updates coming soon once my moderation is finished :Panarchy clock_2, MIA25za, Check above :PBoyo, check ^

    xuri, Sinpurr, retry the link
    23 September 2023 23:37
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    xuri #46
    508, thnx sir!
    23 September 2023 23:21
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    508 #45
    xuri, Sinpurr, vace999,

    I fixed the issue with the oringal update (It turns out I overlooked if there was a VRCExpressionMenu) => I fixed it however enjoy :D
    23 September 2023 23:18
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    xuri #44
    Sinpurr, that worked thank you!
    21 September 2023 04:45
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    Sinpurr #43

    This is how I fixed mine. This may/may not work for you.

    It's as easy as simply, dragging each base and special in. You should also take a look at your expressions while your at it cause this is more likely where the problem lies but I'll cover everything.

    First step, is determine whether your avatar uses write defaults. I never had an issue with it but as a rule of thumb for my avatars I've always used bases and specials with WD which stands for Write Defaults and never had an issue with it since mine doesn't prioritize it.

    I'll give you a list of what mine looks like when I open up Playable Layers where I see Base then Special

    Base: GoLocoBaseFullPosesWD
    Additive: GoLocoAdditiveWD
    Gesture: (This will be the Gesture your avatar came with)
    Action: GoLocoActionWD
    FX: (This will be the FX your avatar came with)

    Sitting: GoLocoSittingWD
    TPose: (You can leave this untouched/empty)
    IKPose: (You can leave this untouched/empty)

    It should be noted that in your Expressions your Menu will be the Menu your avatar came with same with Parameters.

    Menu: Menu (Menu your avatar came with)
    Parameters: Parameters (Parameters your avatar came with)

    If you are unsure where these are dig around in your avatar's folder until you find where the controllers are stored.
    21 September 2023 00:23
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    xuri #42
    Sinpurr, Re-added the folder still getting the issue and not sure on how to put them in manually?
    21 September 2023 00:00
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    Sinpurr #41
    vace999, xuri, Try this. It worked when I had the issue ->

    1. Delete GogoLoco/GoGo whichever GogoLoco folder is named.
    2. Import the latest version of GogoLoco into your project.

    It should auto-replace the expressions and parameters. In the event it doesn't you'll have to manually put them in one by one.
    20 September 2023 20:03
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    Dust the Crystal #40
    how u guys getting an error
    20 September 2023 20:03
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    xuri #39
    vace999, same here
    20 September 2023 18:49
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    vace999 #38
    im getting the error of VRCexpressionsmenu object reference is not found? how do i fix that?Terkoshi, how do u get the script fix?
    19 September 2023 19:00
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    StarRoxylove #37
    how do i get the texture. there is no texture or clothes on
    18 September 2023 16:21
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    Sinpurr #36
    Terkoshi, Thanks man I can just kiss you for all the hard work you put into making this work properly.
    17 September 2023 11:54
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    Dust the Crystal #35
    Terkoshi, that was my only reason for not uploading ripped version of it since vrmodels would have taken it down and set me back to 0% on my upload stuff for pro account as a punishment for uploading a ripped asset which is against the rules on here whicch is understandable i hate that i only was able to upload the unitypackage that i got when i bought the nardo edit by mistythe good thing u didnt upload it to the website he wouldnt ban u just warn u about doing that
    17 September 2023 02:59
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    508 #34
    anarchy clock_2, :sobish: well rip me then :(
    17 September 2023 02:57
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    Dust the Crystal #33
    the issue with vrmodels they dont allow ripped avatars at all u get punished for it
    17 September 2023 02:53
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    508 #32
    Phoenixfury look below
    17 September 2023 02:53
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    Dust the Crystal #31
    Terkoshi, dude like damn my dude the unitypackage i uploaded here is the version that was being sold by misty in there discord its the real unitypackage that was being sold at the time how many times do i have to explain that stuff like damn
    17 September 2023 02:50
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    508 #30
    Well, Here you all guy since the guy who uploaded this doesn't actually have skill,

    This took me a while to reverse do not leech off me thanks :3

    Link: Click Me for the Avatar
    This needs Poiyomi 7.3 or higher

    VRCFury Required
    GoGo Loco already in project along with all the other shaders + a bonus

    I also tweaked it a bit more updates coming soon once my moderation is finished :Panarchy clock_2, MIA25za, Check above :PBoyo, check ^
    17 September 2023 02:43
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    MIA25za #29
    lol no unity
    model aand mase
    14 September 2023 12:48
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    Phoenixfury #28
    i have no idea what im doing with this lmao its just a white base
    14 September 2023 04:26
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    Moshi #27
    ***comment deleted***
    13 September 2023 18:12
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    piebub #26
    how can u get this in blender..?
    12 September 2023 12:04
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    kylira #25
    This is a pretty high-profile avi rn. Careful to anyone wearing it in public
    12 September 2023 09:02
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    Alex Thorne #24
    We can't buy because it's an edit and the Nardos are owned by someone else so they could not sell the edit.
    11 September 2023 21:39
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    Lunisoft #23
    ***comment deleted***
    11 September 2023 04:50
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    Asriel #22
    MommyMaham, is an edit by nardoragon

    it would only be that you look for the nard in some third party place
    while the clothes I think it would be to look for clothes that are for nardoragon and are editable to something feminine.
    10 September 2023 21:09
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    tophatbadger #21
    Can’t wait for these to become the new thighyeen I can feel it lol. Ty for leaking these
    10 September 2023 21:03
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    MommyMaham #20
    thats unfortunate, no clothes or texture, please upload the real one thanks
    10 September 2023 20:33
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    Blacksparrow900 #19
    hey does it have a substance painter flie
    10 September 2023 18:19
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    Giggz #18
    Female only edit?
    10 September 2023 17:38
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    N #17
    sanriooluvrr, Lower texture resolution should help espetialy 4K textures
    10 September 2023 17:24
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    sanriooluvrr #16
    im struggling to convert this for quest, could anyone help?
    i've deleted some things however it stays right at 10.50
    10 September 2023 17:16
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    j0xfe43 #15
    QueenRoseBloom You have the thighyeenid as ur pfp, you have no place to talk 💀

    EDIT: I just realized screwy said this. Glad we thought the same thing
    10 September 2023 17:06
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    HereLiesVultrue #14
    QueenRoseBloom, This is leaked- not ripped. There's actually a huge difference. Also, your icon; that avatar has over $400 worth of a stolen assets on it. That's why no one actually buys from that creator. But nice try!

    I'm sorry no one wants to buy a $35 untextured avatar.

    Knock yourself off your moral high ground horse for a minute. You're just as bad as the rest of us lowlifes, theif.👌🏻
    10 September 2023 15:35
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    screwy #13
    QueenRoseBloom, your profile picture is the thighyeenid, which is comprised of mostly stolen assets.

    stop acting like you're morally above the rest of us
    10 September 2023 13:08
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    Justaweirdo #12
    QueenRoseBloom, tbf if you use vrmodels in general youre basically no better lol
    10 September 2023 11:52
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    Tokei Neko #11
    it's naked for me, just gray with no clothing like in the picture.
    10 September 2023 11:52
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    Dust the Crystal #10
    Boyo, same it made me mad as hell i got it without anything on it just an fbx without clothing or textures on it
    10 September 2023 11:36
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    Dust the Crystal #9
    im not its the fbx that was being sold by twisteemistee thats just an fbx without clothing or textures QueenRoseBloom, it was only being sold as an fbx which made alot of people mad that we got this for 35$ as a rigged fbx
    10 September 2023 11:23
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    QueenRoseBloom #8
    Nope If ur posting a ripped avi then u really have4 no life
    10 September 2023 10:56
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    Dust the Crystal #7
    10 September 2023 10:44
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    Boyo #6
    anarchy clock_2, Do you have the other texture?
    10 September 2023 10:30
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    Dust the Crystal #5
    10 September 2023 10:15
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    Boyo #4
    Cause I bought it from the original creator they didn't include any texture for it at all.
    10 September 2023 10:12
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    LainLovesYou #3
    I did.
    Now that's just simple Unity.
    10 September 2023 10:09
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    M0b1_Bl #2
    LainLovesYou, port the nardoragon first buddy
    10 September 2023 10:07
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    LainLovesYou #1
    The textures/Materials are gone for me, it's rigged and Physbones
    The model is just straight gray, any tips?
    10 September 2023 10:06