Home » Avatars » The Winterbold

Model info

Content type:Avatars
Сreated by: ItsGuusy
SDK: 3.0 (VRChat)
Unity version: Unity 2022
Platform: PC
Рhysbones: Yes
Full body: Yes
Views: 40 863
The Winterbold

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This fluffy guy is built for VRChat. It can be used in other applications such as Neos or ChilloutVR, but does not currently have official support.
The Winterbold is designed to work both on PC and Quest / Android! Nearly all features are supported on both platforms unless otherwise specified!

Your Purchase Includes
A Unity project file with VRChat integrations for PC and Atlassed (Quest / Android) versions of the avatar and all its features
FBX Meshes and PNG Textures for The Winterbold and Clothing
A Substance Painter 2023 (ver. 9.0.0) File for PC version and Clothing
Blender 3.6.4 Files for PC version, Atlassed (Quest / Android) version, and Clothing

A few additional features are planned to be included for free in the future! Such as:
A pre-made VRM file for VTubing and Mods (Can already be created manually)
A pre-made Blender Rig for Animation
A simplified fallback ready mesh using the same UV-Map and textures

There is no set release date for these additional features, but they are planned.
You can try out the free public version of The Winterbold Here:

The Winterbold's Features Include
"Mixable Expressions" that are designed to be combined in a modular way
Eye expressions are controlled with the left hand while Mouth expressions are controlled with the right
Some combinations create authored preset expressions, such as making tears appear or a blush
Split Lock Eye Expressions and Lock Mouth Expressions toggles
Close Eyes toggle (we got you VR sleepers!)
Toggle to swap all expressions tied to the "Rock n' Roll" gesture with "Peace / Victory" (for those who can never get rock n' roll to trigger)
30 built in MMD face shapes
Finger Poses (Not for Index Controllers or Hand Tracking)
Allows you to swap out the Rock n' Roll gesture with "Gotem' / OK" or "The Bird / Middle Finger"
Allows you to pose your hands into a cute heart shape 💙

Face Tracking
FULL face tracking built from the Unified Expressions standard created by VRCFaceTracking
This standard allows the face tracking shapes to be adapted to nearly any other standard (ARKit, SRanipal, etc.)
Learn more about it Here: https://docs.vrcft.io/docs/tutorial-avatars/tutorial-avatars-extras/unified-blendshapes
Face tracking is PC Only as of this page's creation

Touch Interactions
Nose Boop (two Winterbolds can boop their noses together!)
Separated Eye Poking
Head Petting with Cute Ear Wiggles!
also plays a toggleable head petting sound effect! (PC Only)
All of which are individually toggleable (and hide the contact as well, so that people don't try to touch your face while they're off!)

Body Customizations
Separated Feminine Body, Feminine Eyelashes, and Breast toggles (with toggleable breast physics)
Tail Wagging (with adjustable speed / disabling)
Tail Puppet
Ear Puppet
Toe Puppet (controlled with Fist gesture weight, toggleable)
Teeth Toggles including Fangs, Pointy Teeth, and Sharp Teeth
Hand Claw Toggle
Foot Claw Toggle
Hue Shift (PC Only)
Breasts (Toggleable)
Multiple Fur Tufts (PC Only)
Booty (Toggleable, PC Only)
Toes (Toggleable, PC Only)
Floor Collider (Toggleable)
Included Clothing
Wearable Scarf Mittens!
Individually toggle all pieces of clothing
Charms, Scarf, Waist Hoodie, Leg Warmers, or Hide all at once!
Clothing Hue Shift (PC Only)
Screenshots of model The Winterbold in the game
Comments: 14
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  • foto
    Tokei Neko #14
    Hoping for 1.2 version
    20 November 2024 09:44
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    Chittamatra #13
    Does anyone have the updated version of this model by chance? (1.2v)
    15 August 2024 00:27
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    skykiller 257 #12
    Dumb question here but does someone have the sweater for this model? Would buy it but im broke as hell :/
    27 November 2023 19:46
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    GreyAce #11
    Why is the video so good?
    9 October 2023 16:43
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    elizabeth doyle #10
    Layui, did still wont do it for some reason
    8 October 2023 13:50
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    voiiidwalker #9
    GunForHands, has a female toggle to it.
    6 October 2023 03:22
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    GunForHands #8
    Is there a Female?
    6 October 2023 00:36
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    Sylvr Strykr #7
    my brain keeps wanting to call it the "winterhold" but honestly this is so cute
    5 October 2023 22:42
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    Layui #6
    with the Newest SDK (3.4.0) + VRCFury and Poi installed it works without a problem to upload
    5 October 2023 14:57
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    elizabeth doyle #5
    i have put those in and i have read it
    5 October 2023 14:45
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    Layui #4
    wow rly?
    it says like 20 times what you need and people are still not able to read.
    It has even a User guide with step by step from installing to uploading.

    The "Broken" script is the VRCFury script.
    without the script you will have no Working Clothing.

    You need VRCFury and Poiyomi
    5 October 2023 12:54
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    Blishing #3
    the goof ass video got me.... its time for goof ass avatar!
    5 October 2023 12:50
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    MommyWolf #2
    elizabeth doyle, click on clothes and just remove broken script, should work
    5 October 2023 12:07
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    elizabeth doyle #1
    cant up load it
    5 October 2023 11:33