Gummy & Guppy
To download the model, you need to log in.
There is no Quest-Ready version of these avatars included. You may convert them to quest if you would like to, but many of the features are not compatible with Quest.
NOTE: You need to install the packages in the (ADD BEFORE AVATAR PACKAGE) folder before you install the avatar package itself. All is included in the folder.
Unity Packages for Unity 2019.4.31f1
Uses VRCSDK Creator Companion (2.0.2)
Uses Poiyomi Toon Ver 8.1.161 (Free Version)
Uses GoGo Locomotion
Uses VRLabs Marker
Uses Among Us Follower (2.0)
Uses LilToon 1.4.0
✧ F E A T U R E S ✧
⫸ 3.0 Avatar
⫸ Body Options (Skin Tone, Eye Color, Ears and Tail)
⫸ Outfit Options (Coat, Hat, Backpack, Necklace and Glasses)
⫸ Color Options (Outfit, Hair and Eye Hue Sliders)
⫸ GoGo Loco
⫸ VRLabs Marker
⫸ PhysBones/Colliders
⫸ Bubbles the Shark Kitty Follower!
⫸ Bubble Particles on Hands!