Home » Avatars » Goth giraffe | VRC avatar

Model info

Content type:Avatars
Сreated by: Wolke
SDK: 3.0 (VRChat)
Platform: PC
Рhysbones: Yes
Full body: Yes
Nsfw: Yes
Views: 25 239
Goth giraffe | VRC avatar

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This base features:
VRC Avatar!
3 Different body , eye and hair colours that you can mix and match!
Scale sliders for thigh, breast, torso , neck and arm fatness.
Neck length slider!
Nipple toggle
VRC Physbones Setup
Visemes and Facial Expressions
All source files (Substance Painter, Blender, Baked Textures)
VSFAvatar VTuber!
3 Different body , eye and hair colours that you can mix and match!
Neck height toggles
Jiggle physics
ARKit tracking shapekeys
Screenshots of model Goth giraffe | VRC avatar in the game
Comments: 35
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    BusterKeaton #35
    cope, Bestiality (not "beastility") is primarily identified as being non-consensual because animals (creatures of sub-human intelligence) in the real world are incapable of consenting. As this creature is not only sentient/of at least human intelligence, but more importantly not fucking real, nothing about this is bestiality.
    25 February 2024 00:38
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    Buhnnyy #34
    there is no unity package
    9 February 2024 12:06
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    cope #33
    to everyone who says this isnt a full animal or doesnt fall under beastility, how close do u need to get before it does man, everyone who likes this is very VERY close to being into beastilityand thats just a fact period
    28 December 2023 08:36
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    friggler #32
    Bruh tf is the upload process for this thing? Lol
    18 December 2023 03:16
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    TotallyNotAFurry #31
    I love this avatar. but ive noticed the breast physics are very strange. its like the entire upper body moves with the breasts :T
    17 December 2023 08:09
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    Howdoiwalk #30
    15 December 2023 10:31
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    akabvnny #29
    LeoVos, I mentioned nothing about underage avatars, any avatars that are underage and have dps and nsfw you're weird for making them or doing anything sexual with the avatar itself. like i stated theirs nothing wrong with furries but i am aiming towards people who get sexual aroused by animals, it's not realistic for animals to have abs,boobs, or fat asses but it's a animal regardless on how you put them.LeoVos, anyways, i am done with the conversation. you stated your opinion and i stated mine, it's completely understandable if we don't see eye to eye but i said what i said. ^^
    14 December 2023 17:49
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    LeoVos #28
    akabvnny, Alot of Anime girl avatars straight up look underaged, so I'd rather be a grown cat lady. its how I got into furry avis in the first place.
    14 December 2023 08:22
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    Skye Cane #27
    akabvnny, Furries are not full animals, they are from a complete different universe. No animal has purple hair or abs or walks like a human. I agree having ACTUAL feelings for ACTUAL animals and going through with it is wrong, but these are not ACTUAL animals, they are make believe fantasy creatures. Many people get aroused by different things: toasters, trees, rocks, smells, sounds, tastes.. it doesn't make them bad or wrong simply because they are aroused by them. It's just how their brain has developed.

    I was told for many of my years that my sexuality was "wrong" because I didn't identify with the "normal" straight male/straight female binary lines of society, but I learned after years that society is just a judgmental soup of nonsense. One minute it's okay to like being with people of the same race, or gender, or status, and another it's not. Judging people for what they find arousing especially if it hurts no one is foolish.
    14 December 2023 02:06
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    akabvnny #26
    Atomic Beauty, there is a complete difference when someone is sexualizing a grown woman or man (human) avatar then a entire animal. like i stated before there's nothing wrong with people being furries but if you are sexually attracted to animals that makes you a zoophile and there's something mentally wrong with you if you get aroused by the look of an animal.
    14 December 2023 00:28
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    Skye Cane #25
    akabvnny, Have you seen every other female or male human showcase video? They are literally humping the screen while you watch. This is nothing compared to what I have seen in the non-furry community. I'm not a furry but trust, there is JUST as many non-furry users who are just as if not more sexualized.

    People are so quick to judge others for their fetishes and kinks, and to shame them, that they sometimes slip up and show their OWN kinks. Just be aware that a lot of the negative vibes, can be misconstrued as you being insecure about your own sexuality just as much as others.

    If someone wants to wear a magical dog unicorn platypus furry avatar and finds it arousing, it won't affect me. I'll just skip to an avatar I enjoy, just like they chose one they enjoy. No one except yourself cares about your dislike for furries. Now behave, and move on. This furry comment war is so overplayed.
    12 December 2023 20:06
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    Luxray405 #24
    First time seeing a Giraffe avi. Not my style but she's cute. (^u^)
    11 December 2023 18:01
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    cope #23
    ChubbyEnjoyer69, ?why are u so triggered? if u want me dead then do i yourself lmaoChubbyEnjoyer69, u dont see me saying god i hate animal fuckers so go kys, so i honestly think u need to chillout abit my friendxVxKuromexVx, honestly your not wrong, ive seen it aswell plenty of times, these people sadly are to addicted to anything sexual and to get their fix they look for things that are not healthy or normal, same reasons pedophiles are born same goes with people who like beastilaty, they cant get their fix of regular sex and porn so they get hooked on the more weird and somtimes illigal stuff
    11 December 2023 05:48
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    ChubbyEnjoyer69 (user blocked for violating site rules) #22
    ***comment deleted***
    11 December 2023 03:51
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    cope #21
    akabvnny, ow dont get me wrong i deff dont think anything is wrong with furries haha.

    but i just find it abit odd that people get off on full on animal avis, like i shouldve probably added this aswell but as long as it stays online and doesnt go into irl (like trying to fuck animals and stuff) then its not the worst thing ever
    11 December 2023 02:29
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    VRModels #20
    FemboiWaifu, You are sitting there bragging that you will create a second account in 5 minutes.
    Just because our moderators only have a block by ip address, but we have much more authority and options too. So we can block not only by ip address, but also by hardware, and by your geo (we have a definition of your location +- 1 meter.) block you the entire zone within a radius of 1km and you'll be traveling beyond that radius to visit the site.
    We have many options how to block a person. So do not provoke and think that you can do everything.
    We are kind people and just for talking do not block. You want to express your opinion - no one prevents you to do it, and block you for this will not be anyone.
    10 December 2023 22:39
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    xVxKuromexVx #19
    Is it me or do people love animals avatars? Alot it's so weird because people calling it so hot and shit and doing worst things with it Bro i seen it all. I mean if you look at it not even human inside a fur suit thats shit just made up.
    10 December 2023 20:51
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    akabvnny #18
    cope, I believe that there's nothing wrong with furries, where you wear avatars or if you have a fursuit in person but I do often find it weird when they have massive tits and ass, most of them have very oversexualized pictures when it comes to advertising the model. it's so fucking weird to me when people call these things hot and attractive, like that's just some zoophile shit
    10 December 2023 19:38
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    cope #17
    im i the only one who thinks its abit weird that people sexualize animals... like i understand the tails and ears etc but this is full on animal, beastilaty if u like that u got some underlying issues
    10 December 2023 04:27
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    Sylvr Strykr #16
    neat avatar
    10 December 2023 00:26
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    FemboiWaifu #15
    im not telling everyone what to buy. XD they can buy it or not. i do buy ones that i think are good enough and i know for a fact aren't broken. you can do what you want with your money. im all for piracy. i don't agree with avatars being an arm and a leg when they don't work or are just not worth it for lack of features. and VRModels bot... and i don't care if you're staff... you guys cant talk shit since you know.. you lock most of the avatars behind a pay wall anyway. so its okay for people to pay you but not suggest people go pay the creator? im just saying. and ban if you want. i can literally make another account in like five minutes. so idc. In fact i get all the ones you paywall with literally zero effort.
    XD ChubbyEnjoyer69, I'm on your side Chubby XD I literally agreed with you. I was making a joke about what you said on one of the other pages, and I thought it was hilarious
    9 December 2023 17:14
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    Angiemeister930 (user blocked for violating site rules) #14
    ChubbyEnjoyer69, W gamr
    9 December 2023 14:26
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    ChubbyEnjoyer69 (user blocked for violating site rules) #13
    FemboiWaifu, Ain't nobody wasting their money on this shit bruh. I paid for it and now u ppl can get it for free, just stfu and enjoy the god damn avatar. It ain't that deep bruh.
    9 December 2023 14:12
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    VRModels #12
    FemboiWaifu, I don't think you should talk about you buying stuff and stuff. You downloaded over 150 models from here. And you're sitting there telling everybody what to buy and stuff. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
    9 December 2023 10:43
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    FemboiWaifu #11
    lunaticfreak, KillerWisp
    I think its more that sometimes a person or couple people will get most or all of a creator's stuff at once and then distribute them. Sometimes no one know about a certain creator and then once they find it and get the word out, of course the sharing happens.

    And its like ChubbyEnjoyer69 said, sometimes people can't afford them. There are still some people who do like me. Get it from here, see that I can customize it the way that I want, and can be sure that its not FUBAR, then go and buy it. If a creator's work is good, they will still make money. But it's hard to pay for something and you don't know what you're gonna get in terms of the full model. This creator does seem affordable (this model is only $20USD) so I would hope people buy it after testing.ChubbyEnjoyer69, and I saw your comment on the Goat/Sheep one XD you're hilarious and I was literally thinking the same thing that you said
    9 December 2023 10:36
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    ChubbyEnjoyer69 (user blocked for violating site rules) #10
    lunaticfreak, sometimes ppl can't afford to purchase it. So then there's ppl out there that leaks to the ones who couldn't afford it.
    9 December 2023 10:25
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    KillerWisp #9
    Yeah I don't get it. From what I've seen, Wolke deserves every purchase of their models and hardwork. They're constantly streaming to show their process, offering their advice and help to any who ask etc. So why are people excited to take money from them all of a sudden and have uploaded all his stuff?
    9 December 2023 08:00
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    lunaticfreak #8
    why is all of this creators stuff being leaked? not like targeting anyone just wondering if they are a crappy person or something lol. pretty much everything theyve made has been leaked over the past few days, that usually only happens to bitches
    9 December 2023 07:46
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    Lunisoft #7
    Finally after months of waiting, it's here.
    9 December 2023 00:25
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    Mathias_Soul #6
    ***comment deleted***
    8 December 2023 22:13
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    Decklan #5
    Didn't know of this creator until a few days ago. Their stuff looks so nice.
    8 December 2023 18:27
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    MIKEUNIX94 #4
    Who cares it's super Epic 👍🤩👍👏👏👏👏👏💯💣💥
    8 December 2023 14:53
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    Ned Flanders #3
    ***comment deleted***
    8 December 2023 14:34
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    SlushieBlue #2
    8 December 2023 11:11
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    juicyeggs26 #1
    Love the design and the skin patterns you can choose from. Super cute!
    8 December 2023 09:39