♡ Valentine's Vaggie! ♡
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♡ Valentine's Pack! ♡
FBX files, Blender, Textures & Unity
Valentines Vaggie!
Fluff Coat
Heart Lolipop
Lingerie Outfit
Lingerie Gloves
Lingerie Socks
To make sure you upload this model correctly: Make a new unity project; using the compatible version of Unity for VRchat, import vrchat's current SDK, Latest Ver. of GogoLoco, VRCfury & then Poiyomi Pro/Regualr Poiyomi.
You must have the current version of Blender to make edits with this model!
This model's PC shaders were made using Poiyomi PRO Outline 8.2, If you do not have PRO I would recommend using just Poiyomi Outline 8.0
If you wish to have Quest Glow or Don't know how to make it quest compatiable, set all shaders to VRChat > ToonLit, & The Materials Glow to VRchat > Standard, everything should be set up correctly <3
FBX files, Blender, Textures & Unity
Valentines Vaggie!
Fluff Coat
Heart Lolipop
Lingerie Outfit
Lingerie Gloves
Lingerie Socks
To make sure you upload this model correctly: Make a new unity project; using the compatible version of Unity for VRchat, import vrchat's current SDK, Latest Ver. of GogoLoco, VRCfury & then Poiyomi Pro/Regualr Poiyomi.
You must have the current version of Blender to make edits with this model!
This model's PC shaders were made using Poiyomi PRO Outline 8.2, If you do not have PRO I would recommend using just Poiyomi Outline 8.0
If you wish to have Quest Glow or Don't know how to make it quest compatiable, set all shaders to VRChat > ToonLit, & The Materials Glow to VRchat > Standard, everything should be set up correctly <3