To download the model, you need to log in.
:: C O L O R S
> ⋆ skin tone radial: 6 inclusive tones
> ⋆ 4 eye color swaps
> ⋆ eye hue shift
> ⋆ 7 hair colors (2 color sections per haistyle) : white,black | black | blue / brown | strawberry blonde | blonde / brown
> ⋆ hair color hue
> ⋆ hair emission slider
> ⋆ hair emission saturation slider
> ⋆ hair emission hue shift
> ⋆ outfit color swap: : black / white
> ⋆ outfit hue shift for colored articles
> ⋆ turtleneck texture swap: black / black, white stripes / white / color with hue shift
> ⋆ jeans texture swap: black / baby blue / white / with hue shift
> ⋆ socks texture swap: black, white striped / baby blue, black striped / with hue shift
:: I N T E R A C T S
> ⋆ heart particles
> ⋆ among us follower
> ⋆ teddy bear
> ⋆ heart hand gestures
… and more
:: Q U E S T V E R S I O N
Quest version has every toggle PC has, except:
⋆All Hues, and emission radials (unsupported by quest shaders)
⋆Head Heart Particles (unsupported by quest shaders)
⋆Tennis Shoes
Quest is limited to 8 physbones total. This model includes physbones on: Ass(2), Boobas(2), Spiky Pigtails(2), Tail (1)
Dont like the included physbones? Feel free to change them yourself to the physbones you want.