🐴BGB Horse VRChat Avatar Base🐴
To download the model, you need to log in.
The avatar has the following features:🐴
Hoodie, T-Shirt, Tank Top, Shorts, Bridle with Reins, and a Bridle Without Reins
9 Model prefabs (Greyscale Alicorn, Blonde Zebra, American Paint, Andalusian Giraffe, Cremello Unicorn, Fire Horse, Fjord, Rainbow Pegasus, and Party Donkey)
Customizable blendshapes via sliders on the body, clothes, and some ear, tails, and misc items
Physbones in the ears and tail
Special BGB Horse Base ONLY high five physbone contact/reciever (only visible on PC as it is a particle effect)
Fursuit style follow-me eyes
Full facial visemes
MMD visemes
7 eye expressions mapped to the right hand
7 mouth expressions mapped to the left hand
All expressions can be mixed and matched so you can create your desired expression!
All expressions can also be toggled via the hand menu (As well as some extra eye, and mouth expressions in the menu only)
Ear, Tail, and Wing Puppets
Idle sniff animation
Idle ear and tail flick animations
Headpat and Boop physbone interactions
All clothes are also toggleable in game
Fullbody tracking compatible
Quest versions of every avatar!! (to make some styles available on quest, some hair or bones had to be removed!)