To download the model, you need to log in.
Colors : Hue Shift, Saturation, Emission Strenght, Emission Saturation, Emission Hue Shift, RGB Mode(All Colored Parts)
Audio Link For Emissions
80+ Toggles for EVERYTHING (4 Tops, 4 Bottoms, 2 Shoes, 20+ Accessories, 4 Hairs, Tattoos...)
12 Ori Points
Skin Color Radial
All Clothes and Accs can turn White/Black
Gogo Loco
Custom Idle Poses (Stand, Crouch, Prone) with Tail and Ear Movement and Custom AFK Pose
Fake Index Gestures for Quest, Vive and other Headset Users ;)
Toes Are Controllable :3
14 Different Face Gestures With Ear Movement and No Overlapping ( you can mix them to create new face gestures !)
Contacts for : Ear Stretch, Boop, Headpat, Kiss, and Eyes (Poke)
Chose Your Favorite Look For Lashes !
Boob/Butt Sliders
Marker for my mute bbs !
Cute Paw Prints when walking :3
Create a project with CreatorCompanion (Unity 2022.3.6f1)
Install VRC Fury
Import 8.1.167 Poiyomi Version
Import the Avatar Package
Done !