Home » Avatars » Bebe ☾

Model info

Content type:Avatars
Сreated by: Sui’s
SDK: 3.0 (VRChat)
Unity version: Unity 2022
Platform: PC
Рhysbones: No
Views: 6 203
Bebe ☾

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what she has:
physbones in all the places you'd expect !
clothing can be toggled !
hair swaps !
hair and skin color swaps !
angel puppy and elf part toggles !
body customization !
gogo loco for half body and desktop !
pc only !
cow juice toggle !
headpat contact !
special places for special things + 1 pen
cookin mac n cheese when bein special !
clothing swaps !
cute rose !
custom face expressions !

This avatar uses VCC and VRCFury. Poi shaders, and the crystal shader need to imported before the avatar.
Screenshots of model Bebe ☾ in the game
Comments: 1
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  • foto
    GoodGirl #1
    Halurya san can put upload files for workupload site
    because megaz. site has download limit
    have nice day
    24 June 2024 12:58