Keres the Goddess of Death
To download the model, you need to log in.
♡ This model was made using VCC. Just be aware that I do not recommend using the SDK stand alone for this model.
♡ To upload this model you will need poi_Toon_7.3.50_UpTo_9.0.57 or newer. The upload order will be opening a new avatar 2022 project in VCC, add VRCFury, once open, import Poiyomi, then the model package, then click the Scene in the Keres folder.
♡ For quest just follow the upload order but do not include Poiyomi. It is recommended to keep two separate files. You will need to copy your blueprint ID from the main upload.
♡ **Please be aware if you use face tracking the parameters for face tracking are not on the quest version and therefore will cause issues if you try to add the quest version to the VRCFT version of the model.**
♡ There is slight clipping on the elbows of the arm sleeves at extreme angles due to not being able to make a blendshape to crunch the elbows (sheer fabrics). As such I have made them toggleable just in case. :)