To download the model, you need to log in.
Features :
Clothing Top Part: (Kimono, Cheongsam Dress, Cheongsam Sleeves, Bandages, Transparent Sleeves, Choker, Hair Bow, Tengu Scroll, Oni-Mask, Body Bandages) + Kimono Sleeve Option
Clothing Bottom Part: (Bandages, Socks + Opaque Option, Sandals, Leg Charm, Feet Straps)
Accessoires: (Hair Pins, Horns, Flowers, Tummy / Face Piercings, Rings, Ear / Hair Bows, Hair Flowers, Hair / Arm Lantern, Hanafuda, Leg /Tail Bows
Hair: 3 Types of Bangs (Default, Fancy, Windy) 3 Back Styles (Long, Short, Ponytail), Fox Ears Top and Bottom, Cat / Dog Tail
Body Customization: Abbs, Chest Size, Elf Ears, Avatar Contacts, Oil Option, Outlines
UV Tile Discard System: for way better performance!
Body Appearance: (Skin Tone / Saturation / Hue) + Face Stripes, White Lashes, Black Sclera
Avatar Contacts: Nose Boop (Particle Trigger), Headpat (Heart Particles + Satisfied Face), Mouth Open, Eye Poke
Partner Contacts !EXCLUSIVE FOR FLARE AND GLARE!: Area (Hearts appearing when nearby), Nuzzle (horns glowing when heads touch), Handholding (hidden tattoo appears and glows bright)
Colors: Hue & Saturation for Outfit, Hair / Hair Emissions, Eyes, Tattoos, Metallics
Hair Color Options: Hueshift, Saturation, Brightness for Left and Right (Split Hair) Black Tips, Emission Strength
RGB for every colored part
Black & White Swap for every clothing part
Interactive Objects: Grabbable Fan w/ Particles + Smoking Pipe
12 Connection Points & Lollipop: Reactive Blendshapes + Sound FX!
Custom Tongue, Animated crying
Phys Bones: Colliders & Jiggles everywhere, everything grabbable (Incldues nose, cheeks and belly)
Face Gestures with Ear Movement! - no overlapping
Locomotion: GoGo loco With Custom Emotes!
Quest Version :
In response to Quest limitations, we have removed the following features: toys and novelty items, lollipops, and connection points. Additionally, the number of physics bones is limited to 8 components.
Phys bones got used mostly for the Hair
The Quest Package includes Color presets so you can upload her in different colors