Eve the Sharptooth ☾
To download the model, you need to log in.
Uploading 🦈
Unity 2022.3.22 is needed!
1. Create new project using the Creator Companion
2. Make sure the ⚠️SDK is on the newest Version⚠️
3. (Face Tracking Only!) Install Jerry's Template via VRCFury --> https://adjerry91.github.io/VRCFaceTracking-Templates/
4. Install VRCFury using VRChat Creator Companion! Head here for instructions --> https://vrcfury.com/download/
5. Open Project
6. Import Included poi_Toon_7.3.50_UpTo_9.053
7. Import my avatar package
8. Open Scene called: OPEN HERE!
9. Log in to your account through the VRCSDK and upload!
10. Have fun! ❤️