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This model uses 2022 unity
Interactive wrinkles. Bend forward or to either side to cause wrinkles to show on bodysuit.
Shark summon with player targeting. Turn enable on in the menu, click target select, aim at someone, press confirm, then turn off target select.
Contacts: headpat, noseboop (sounds), kiss (when you get close to someone elses face, she will make a kissy face)
Tail animated to move on its own. Can be toggled
Hand gesture based bite system. fist / open hand to open and close mouth. Will doing a chomping sound. Must be toggled on.
Very deep audio link system. Can toggle it off.
Outline toggle with emission and audio link.
Glasses can be flicked up or down.
Seamless neck.
Includes 2 good performance options (Green optimized) version for clubs, events, or just for performance.
2 outfits to mix and match.
3 Hair options. On a toggle.
SPS (12 orifaces) and lollipop with wetness and sound effects.
GoGo Locomotion.
UDIM based dissolve toggles for optimization.
Hue, emission and saturation shifts on eyes, hair, clothing