To download the model, you need to log in.
Fully set up avatar for FBT, Easy to upload
Gogoloco pre installed
Simple instructions on how to upload
Pre optimised poiyomi shader. No need to import it! (Unless you want to edit the materials!)
Blender files (Not Rigify), Including a FBX file
Individual clothing toggles for customisation
- Boot
- Bra
- Gloves
- Jacket
- Nets
- Panties
- Leotard
- Socks
- Sling Bikini
- Hair
- Piercings
Custom Icons
Custom Facial expressions and visemes
VRCFT Eye tracking
Custom SPS Plugs and Sockets (Fully new seamless models!!, not just stuck on!!)
Physbones and FX/Sliders
Colour change
- Body (Due to how this works, Teeth turn a little red)
- Eyes
- Main Outfit
- Jacket/Bikini
- Leotard Outfit
- Hair
Unity 2022.3.22f1
VRC Quest
Fully set up avatar for FBT, Easy to upload
Gogoloco pre installed
Simple instructions on how to upload
Individual clothing toggles for customisation
- Boot
- Bra
- Gloves
- Jacket
- Nets
- Panties
- Leotard
- Socks
- Sling Bikini
- Hair
- Piercings
Custom Icons
Custom Facial expressions and visemes
VRCFT Eye tracking
Physbones and FX/Sliders
SPS and Plugs!! (Now as seamless as can be, not just stuck on!!)
Only changes, low resolution textures and no colour change
Unity 2022.3.22f1
Fully set up avatar for FBT, Easy to upload
Gogoloco pre installed
Simple instructions on how to upload
Pre optimised poiyomi shader. No need to import it! (Unless you want to edit the materials!)
Blender files (Not Rigify), Including a FBX file
Individual clothing toggles for customisation
- Boot
- Bra
- Gloves
- Jacket
- Nets
- Panties
- Leotard
- Socks
- Sling Bikini
- Hair
- Piercings
Custom Icons
Custom Facial expressions and visemes
VRCFT Eye tracking
Custom SPS Plugs and Sockets (Fully new seamless models!!, not just stuck on!!)
Physbones and FX/Sliders
Colour change
- Body (Due to how this works, Teeth turn a little red)
- Eyes
- Main Outfit
- Jacket/Bikini
- Leotard Outfit
- Hair
Unity 2022.3.22f1
VRC Quest
Fully set up avatar for FBT, Easy to upload
Gogoloco pre installed
Simple instructions on how to upload
Individual clothing toggles for customisation
- Boot
- Bra
- Gloves
- Jacket
- Nets
- Panties
- Leotard
- Socks
- Sling Bikini
- Hair
- Piercings
Custom Icons
Custom Facial expressions and visemes
VRCFT Eye tracking
Physbones and FX/Sliders
SPS and Plugs!! (Now as seamless as can be, not just stuck on!!)
Only changes, low resolution textures and no colour change
Unity 2022.3.22f1