Home » Avatars » Helltaker

Model info

Content type:Avatars
SDK: 2.0 (VRChat)
Platform: PC
Рhysbones: No
Views: 7 503

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1. Poiyomi (Normal or Patreon work.)
2. Dynamic Bones
3. VRCSDK (to upload, duh)
4. Unity 2018.4.20f1
How to install:
1. Download the package
2. In Unity, Assets -> Import Custom Package -> this package (preferably in a FRESH project)
3. Open the "Lucifer" scene that will be under Avatars -> Helltaker Lucifer.
4. There will be TWO models in the scene. One is in T-pose, the other is posed by me. Put your avatar descriptor and everything on the T-pose one (if it isn't there for some reason), as this is the main model. The other one is posed simply for using it as a picture, and it has my discord there if you need to contact me for whatever reason.
5. After that, just upload.
*6. IF IT'S PINK ----> Go to the Materials folder and select these materials: Clothing, Head and Pin. Set to Poiyomi Cutout. Then, select Gestures material and set that to Poiyomi Transparent. Make sure all of them have backface culling OFF, unless you care about being optimized, then leave it on.
*7. IF YOU HAVE SCRIPT ERRORS (IO.Exception / Failure Upload) -- Import this package in a FRESH Unity project. 90% of the failure to upload / IO.Exception errors are because you have a script in your Unity that is conflicting with VRCSDK (from personal experience). So, avoid using a lot of 2019 Unity scripts in your projects. I always have a rather blank-canvas project that has nothing but the 3 things needed above to make sure I can import avatars without issues. If there's other errors, I can't really help. I'm not a coder, I only know how to fix minor issues like this cause of personal experience.
If there's any problems, I probably can't help you cause I pretty much laid out everything here. But, if there's a question you need to ask, my discord is in the unity package. Also, for those who want a "short legs" version for people who are cursed with manlet disease (like myself) I'll be making a personal (but public) model of this for my proportions. I can give you that fbx for your use if you contact me when I finish it.
Screenshots of model Helltaker in the game
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  • foto
    Valkyra36 #1
    its pink and can't set to Poiyomi Cutout its not present in the shaders list
    12 November 2023 13:30