Home » Clothes » LocoFit Universal Outfit

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Content type:Clothes
Сreated by: Loco
Views: 31 829
LocoFit Universal Outfit

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Gang Monkey's troll8

Please have a Degree of Unity Knowledge before you buy or get a friend to help you!
Scroll down for a Tutorial on how to set up assets in Both Blender & Unity manually by PxINKY!

Also make sure to check what Blendshapes are supported in the Cover Images before you buy, or let me know in the dms which ones you would like to have added. Discord @loco.fbx

What you get after your Purchase

9 Textures, 9 Inverted Textures, Emissive maps.
The clothing FBX which has a Top, Bottom, and a Collar
FBX has Blenshape Support for most or ALL Blendshapes which you can see in the Cover Images

What Base is this asset Compatible with?

Default Rex
Fara Rex V2
Fara Rex V3
Magpie Rex V6
Magpie Rex V6 Updated Rig
Bapper Rex
Possum / Poss-e
Locos Tanuki (In Development)


VRCFury is non-destructible, meaning stuff only changes whilst in play mode, once you come out, everything is unscathed. And you dont have to use it for toggles, just use the optimization tools:

Blendshape optimizer (Takes all non-animated blendshapes and removes them on upload)
Direct Tree Optimizer (Basically takes your ENTIRE FX and put everything on to one layer) INSANE optimization.
Bounding box fix (most people have issues when meshes disappear when they look a certain directions, this fixes that)
Write default fixes (only use this if you know what you need from this lol)
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  • foto
    LocoGumroad #17
    ***comment deleted***
    3 August 2023 15:55
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    LeopardFox22 #16
    ***comment deleted***
    3 August 2023 15:42
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    LocoGumroad #15
    ***comment deleted***
    3 August 2023 15:35
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    LeopardFox22 #14
    Exzy, Bruh dont wanna hear anything from you how you explain Lindy assets and Messiah Works. Like fr chill ik Loco is your friend but his asset is here now and people can get it for free and arguing and making excuses aint gonna change that
    3 August 2023 15:32
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    LocoGumroad #13
    ***comment deleted***
    3 August 2023 15:10
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    LeopardFox22 #12
    LocoGumroad, Exzy, Dam who cryin now? Get over yourselves you two out of all people should know this is just the circle of life in vrchat if you are not a ripper you get your shit ripped simple
    3 August 2023 14:59
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    LocoGumroad #11
    ***comment deleted***
    3 August 2023 14:40
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    LocoGumroad #10
    3 August 2023 09:17
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    very fun #9
    3 August 2023 03:50
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    LeopardFox22 #8
    LocoGumroad, And How many avatars have you ripped and help ripped? Seems like a fair trade if you ask me troll10
    3 August 2023 01:16
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    Sniperyoltz #7
    LocoGumroad, thanks for the free shit
    2 August 2023 20:23
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    LocoGumroad #6
    LeopardFox22, i gave away 121 keys to my paid assets worth well over 2.6k usd and this is what I get for being nice and quitting being malicious.troll84
    2 August 2023 18:51
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    LeopardFox22 #5

    Nah couldnt give a fck lmao if its not you its someone else just whats comes around goes around am i right xD
    2 August 2023 18:37
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    LocoGumroad #4
    Damn I must have gotten ur ass good if ur still holding a grudge after 2 years.
    2 August 2023 17:32
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    LeopardFox22 #3
    Idk what yall are on but once a gang monkey always a gang monkey. Love seeing them receive a bit of their own medicine tbh
    2 August 2023 08:56
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    Small Thought #2
    Dawg Just Buy Loco's Shit I'm Friends withthe guy and i have talked to him he's cool asf and he's a ex gang monkey NOT A Gang Monkey Anymore so check ya soruces dawg
    2 August 2023 08:39
  • foto
    First of Hombre loco is not a gang monkie so you got that Wrong so check ya sources second of all thos Frankly if ur gonna want his stuff its just better to not be a ass hat as the man is willing to talk things out even on paid stuff but yeah i get it anyway leaking is leaking i am not gonna step into this mess as i don't want to pick sides i just want to give you some Knowledge of he's not a gang monkie ANyway leave me out this
    2 August 2023 05:37