Home » Clothes » Novabeast Nardo Asian Universal Techwear #3

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Сreated by: Loco
Views: 4 011
Novabeast Nardo Asian Universal Techwear #3

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What Base is this asset Compatible with?
Nardoragon 5 Fingers
Nardoragon 4 Fingers - No Gloves

enable "keep bone offsets"
VRCFury is non-destructible, meaning stuff only changes whilst in play mode, once you come out, everything is unscathed. And you dont have to use it for toggles, just use the optimization tools:
Blendshape optimizer (Takes all non-animated blendshapes and removes them on upload)
Direct Tree Optimizer (Basically takes your ENTIRE FX and put everything on to one layer) INSANE optimization.
Bounding box fix (most people have issues when meshes disappear when they look a certain directions, this fixes that)
Write default fixes (only use this if you know what you need from this lol)
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