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Сreated by: Kyrowo
Views: 6 866
Grenades for VRChat [Military, Physics, Combat, Tactical, Prop, Avatar]

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Product Information
Bring your Roleplay to the next level with this Grenade Pack!
It consists of 7 physical grenades that can be thrown! The audio as well as the detonation travels with them!
Menu toggles / Features explained:
Cooking Grenades - Every Grenade has a 10sec cooking time.
Gesture and Physbone driven - Pull the pin, let go of the handle/button and throw it!
Aimhelper (local) - helps determining the trajectory of the Grenade
Throw Gimmick - show off by throwing the nade a couple inches up!
Full prefab or optimized one with slightly less materials and lights to choose from.
You can choose between Write Default On/Off too. However Write Default On is limited to one grenade or flare toggeled active at all time. If you change from one grenade/flare to another the effects like smoke will disappear. Most effects stay when using a Write Default Off setup when switching grenades after detonation.
Pack includes KTEK designed Grenades with a visible + audible fuse AND regular US military ones (without visible + audible fuse)
They share the same effects. Some just prefer regular US military ones more than the KTEK designed.
Grenade Types:
White/Black Hue Shift Smoke Grenades
Tear Gas (+visual distortion and noise when being inside of the smoke)
Frag Grenade
Flashbang (it flashes you... literally.)
Flare - Hue Shiftable (10 Minute Duration)
The Package & Dependencies
What comes the package with?
KTEK Installer Script
Setup Video & Setup Document (README)
Substance Painter file [TG-06-23, SG-06-23, FG-06-23 and FB-06-23 Grenade models - not the military ones!]
Blender File

VRChat SDK 3.0 - 2022.1.1 or later! [Free]
Mochie (1.37 or later) [Free]
SDK 3.0 - 2022.1.1+
Projects with/without VRChat Creator Companion
KTEK Installer compatible
Write Defaults: ON/OFF compatible
What is this KTEK Installer?
(Almost) every product comes with a selfmade installer script.
If you want to update the product to a newer version, you can simply import the updated version (don't overwrite the gesture animation if you have already customized it!), select the product you want to install and click on install.
That's all you have to do, when you previously installed it and wanted to update it.
(Note: easy update only works if you're not using a modified version of the already installed prefab!).
Comments: 2
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  • foto
    Serra #2
    thank you so much, it works perfectly in game <3
    23 April 2024 00:28
  • foto
    Skye Cane #1
    I love you for this. Thank you Alonzo! ♥
    18 April 2024 16:16