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Toggle Assistant

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Create toggles for VRChat Avatars the easier way

Creating toggles for avatars in VRChat was always pain. Add an expression parameter, append that to the animator controller, create animations and states, etc.

I decided to simplify and automate that process, because all input is error. That extension for Unity lets you create toggles by only using a single UI. The other stuff is automated.

Note: This unofficial Unity extension is not associated with VRChat. It's purpose is to simplify the process of creating toggles. I'm not responsible if anything breaks when using the addon. Always do a backup of your files.

What it does

- Adds a new parameter to the expression parameters of the selected avatar.
- Adds that parameter to the animations controller (aka. fx controller).
- Creates two animations (on/off) that enable and disable the selected object at your avatar.
- Generates an animation layer with all needed states and tranisitions.
- Adds a toggle to the expression menu.
- Also: Lets you easily create submenus.

How to use it

Make sure you are using

- Unity 2019.4.31
- Avatar 3.0

With those requirements, simply import the unitypackage into your project.

The extension adds menu entries to the GameObject menu and Tools menu on top. The GameObject context menu is also accessible on objects in a scene.

Toggle Creator

- Avatar: Your avatar.
- Accessory Object: The object on your avatar you want to create a toggle for.
- Toggle Name in Menu: The name of the toggle button that will be displayed in your expression menu.
- Parameter Name: Chose an internal name of the expression parameter. (default: Same as Toggle Name)
- Expressions Menu: Select the part of the Expressions Menu you want the toggle button in. (You can also create a new submenu for better organisation by expanding the "Create new Submenu" section below.)
- Folder for new Animations: Select a folder from your Assets library (drag'n'drop also works). The two toggle animations will be saved in that folder.
- Default State: Whether the toggable object will be shown or hidden when you load your avatar.
- Save State: The state of the toggle will be saved, even when reloading your avatar.

Toggle Remover

- Avatar: Select the avatar you want to remove a toggle from.
- Parameter to remove: Select the (bool) parameter you want to remove.
- The next part is just information about elemets found that are linked to that parameter (animations, animator states, menu entry, etc.)


- Creates only bool toggles (no blendtree support)
- Adds animations for only one object
Comments: 3
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  • foto
    Break_My_Choker (user blocked for violating site rules) #3
    incase you like, heres version 0.11.0
    EDIT: myself i have been unable to find any newer version.
    13 September 2022 17:35
  • foto
    McDelicious #2
    I know its been updated over time and can do blendtree stuff now but if anyone still uses it, does anyone know how to do a double toggle of having a blendshape on while clothing is on? then blendshape to 0 when clothing is off etc?
    2 August 2022 15:44
  • foto
    Leona #1
    i love u
    anime99 anime1
    14 January 2022 06:31