Converts your Dynamic Bones better to Physics Bones. Still requires manually adjustments!
The script fixes most issues why normally dynamic bones can't be converted to physics bones.
Regarding the root bone issues, no end bones on avatars or even that any physics bones on a ik-bones requires isAnimated to be on.
It fixes automatically the isAnimated on any ik-bones! (Even if you turn isAnimated off in the converter, it will automatically only add the isAnimated on those ik-bones so you don't have issues).
How to Use??
> Make sure you got latest SDK3 imported (atleast 2022. or later)!
> Have the latest version of Dynamic Bones
> Import the tool
> Go on the top you find 'fluffs toolbox' > 'VRChat' > Dynamic Bones To Physics Bones Converter
> Change settings and Convert
If the following error shows up in your console
The type or namespace name 'Dynamics' does not exist in the namespace 'VRC.SDK3'
Redownload the VRChat SDK of the website and error will be gone <3
Keep in mind couple things while converting
> You can't scale any physics bones they start to break. (so no hair scaler etc)
> Every physics bones need to exist of atleast 2 bones (adding a end bone fixes it, probably a fix for the small bone issue.)
> Try to avoid physics bones on your ik-bones (hip/chest etc) (Use rootbone fix)